
ABOUT...my work

My sculptures enable the invisible wind to reveal itself to us. They are my attempt to create beauty,
make art, from the air itself.

Air is the most responsive part of the earth’s turbulent atmosphere. Air currents, waves and vortexes are
in continuous motion all around us but only rarely can we glimpse these sinuous forms within the wind.

Watching how the telltales in my sculptures react to the wind it becomes possible to gain access to this invisible realm. Sometimes, the movement is gently mesmerising, like the flickering flames of an open fire. Other times there can be sudden swirling changes - echoes of fish shoals and starling murmurations.

The telltales move only as the wind bids them, so you experience a natural, live phenomenon – an unfolding narrative where you are in direct communication with this aspect of nature.


When younger I was completely enthralled by sailing and immersed myself in all its aspects, sailing many thousands of miles while crewing, teaching, and working on yachts. It eventually became my living.
I qualified as a professional yacht skipper (RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate) and notably was employed as First Mate on a voyage to the Arctic for the Cambridge University Spitsbergen Expedition.

Later, in my forties, I began another, more creative, journey – Art Foundation at St Martins, and a full-time Degree in 3-D Design. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I discovered that my past sailing experiences and passion for the natural world began feeding into my new artistic life. The sky, the wind and the weather thus became the inspiration for my artwork.

The wind was featured when designing a show garden for the 2014 RHS Tatton Flower Show.
Entitled “See the Wind” it was awarded an RHS Gold Medal and selected as ‘Best in Show’. A further commission from the RHS later enabled me to create the prestigious “Invisible Wind” entrance display
for the inaugural RHS Chatsworth Flower Show in 2017.

I have since continued to explore this theme and have exhibited at many of the outdoor sculpture venues
in the UK and in Europe.